Rhubarb Quinoa Slice

Rhubarb Quinoa Slice

Commercial snacks are often filled with refined sugar in one of its many guises, trans fats in the form of margarine and hydrogenated oils, simple carbohydrates that provide instant energy, but poor nutrition.  These lunch box treats send the other snacks packing. ...
Brussels Sprouts Slaw

Brussels Sprouts Slaw

Geez, Brussels sprouts get a bad rap!  Maybe it’s the memory or vision of grey-green overcooked mush that has lost all it’s sweetness and left all the bitterness.  I mean, that would probably do it! I love Brussels sprouts, and they are a regular feature in many forms...
Nettle + Basil Pesto

Nettle + Basil Pesto

I know sometimes the pantry can start to look a bit bare in the lead up to shopping day, but have you ever thought to use the weeds in your garden?  Nettles (Urtica dioica) are a gardeners nemesis with their painful little spikes that can even manage to get through...
Spinach, Haloumi and Pesto Scrolls

Spinach, Haloumi and Pesto Scrolls

What would our Lunchbox collection be if it didn’t have a Scroll recipe?!  Scrolls are synonymous with lunchboxes, and we’ve put together a simple and nutrient rich version that is yummy and freezes well to boot. We’ve taken the humble ‘yoghurt...
Quick Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

Quick Chicken and Sweet Corn Soup

The cooler weather undoubtedly means soup weather. This soup is a great recipe for kids with its sweet flavour from the corn lots of chunky chicken pieces.  A perfect defence to launch against winter coughs and sniffles with beautiful immune-boosting ingredients such...