Roast Tomato and Quinoa Soup

Roast Tomato and Quinoa Soup

Whilst some of the vitamin C content of the tomatoes may be lost in the roasting process, the cooked tomatoes will, however, be a rich source of lycopene.  Lycopene is a type of carotenoid, a plant compound that gives some fruits and vegetables their pink or red...
Quick Cucumber and Edamame Salad

Quick Cucumber and Edamame Salad

This is a super quick salad to put together, and as always, it’s easy to adapt with what you have on hand.  This version is high in calcium with the addition of shelled edamame, sesame seeds and canned salmon (leave the bones in, people!!).  You can increase the...
Rhubarb Quinoa Slice

Rhubarb Quinoa Slice

Commercial snacks are often filled with refined sugar in one of its many guises, trans fats in the form of margarine and hydrogenated oils, simple carbohydrates that provide instant energy, but poor nutrition.  These lunch box treats send the other snacks packing. ...
Red Fruit Salad with Creamy Yoghurt Dressing

Red Fruit Salad with Creamy Yoghurt Dressing

We love this idea to help our kids try different flavours and foods, by narrowing foods down to one colour for a special treat.  Once they start to experiment more with the fruits they’re given, try out another colour of the rainbow, or start adding in another colour...
Smoothie Freezer Packs

Smoothie Freezer Packs

These smoothie packs are a fabulous way to save time in the mornings before school and are a great way to get a nutritious breakfast into your little one.  Rich in fibre, protein and colour, you can be sure that these Smoothie Packs are nourishing and filling to hold...