Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Pancakes are loads of fun.  We have cottage cheese pancakes every Saturday, pretty sure that’s the primary reason they’ve learned the days of the week!  This recipe is a great alternative – rich in protein and fibre, a good source of calcium and...
Rhubarb Quinoa Slice

Rhubarb Quinoa Slice

Commercial snacks are often filled with refined sugar in one of its many guises, trans fats in the form of margarine and hydrogenated oils, simple carbohydrates that provide instant energy, but poor nutrition.  These lunch box treats send the other snacks packing. ...
Caprese Salad Sticks

Caprese Salad Sticks

These Caprese Salad Sticks marks the start of a series of Salad Stick recipes that we’ll be sharing.  There’s something about the novelty of a skewer that kids love, and we thought we’d put some salads to the test to up their veggie intake. Keep an...
Sunflower Butter

Sunflower Butter

With most of our schools being nut free for the safety of our lil ones who have severe allergies, it can sometimes be a challenge to work around our kiddos who adore their peanut butter sandwiches.  Enter Sunflower Butter, PB’s delicious cousin.  You can purchase...
Chocolate Hummus

Chocolate Hummus

We love this recipe for so many reasons.  It’s delicious (it tastes like brownie batter), it’s a great source of protein, fibre and heathy fats (chickpeas and tahini… we see you!), it takes minutes to prepare, and the kids will be beside themselves...