Two minute noodles just sound like the answer to easy weekend lunches or after school hunger busters; they’re quick, cheap, easily accessible, they last ages in the cupboard… but holy moly, there is some nasties in there – loads of sodium, vegetable oils and monosodium glutamate, aka MSG or flavour enhancer 621.  Ingesting MSG may cause mild symptoms including headaches, numbness or tingling, flushing, wheezing, sweating, nausea, muscle tightness or weakness.

So, I’ve put together a recipe that’s nearly as quick (just depends on the noodles you choose), really flexible as to what you have in the fridge and pantry, it’s delicious AND great for the gut.  It’s a great one to have up your sleeve for sick kiddos, when you’re under the pump and you need something nourishing for their immune system, quicker than quick.



1 serve noodles (ramen, rice, soba, etc)

Handful baby spinach, roughly chopped

2 tbsp frozen peas

2 tbsp frozen corn

2 tbsp frozen edamame

1-2 mushrooms, thinly sliced

1 spring onion, thinly sliced

1 heaped teaspoon concentrated bone broth, beef or chicken

Optional: soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, ginger, shredded chicken, canned tuna, sliced tofu


  1. Cook noodles according to packet instructions, add the frozen vegetables to the cooking water.
  2. Meanwhile, boil the kettle with water for the broth, and prepare the vegetables.
  3. Put all the vegetables in a serving bowl and drizzle with concentrated bone broth.  Top with noodles, pour over 1.5 cups boiling water and stir well to dissolve the bone broth.  Add any optional extras to your liking.


Add more plants:

  • Add herbs such as coriander, basil, chives or parsley.
  • Swap noodles for spiralled zucchini or carrot
  • Add in additional shredded greens along with the spinach (keep in mind, they will only wilt with the heat of the boiling water, so shred thinly to allow them too cook quicker).