Simple Hummus

Simple Hummus

Hummus would have to be heading towards MVP status in the condiment department.  It is so ridiculously simple to make at home I question myself why I don’t do it more often.  Probably because it usually ends up as Chocolate Hummus at our place, but that’s another...
Chocolate Hummus

Chocolate Hummus

We love this recipe for so many reasons.  It’s delicious (it tastes like brownie batter), it’s a great source of protein, fibre and heathy fats (chickpeas and tahini… we see you!), it takes minutes to prepare, and the kids will be beside themselves...
Green Hummus

Green Hummus

This recipe is a take on a classic dip that can be adapted to suit a whole range of meals and snacks.  Supercharged with protein and fibre, hummus is a great substitute for sandwich spreads, some of which offer little to no nutritional benefit.  This recipe also has...
Falafel Cupcakes

Falafel Cupcakes

Fun little savoury ‘muffins’, we’ve turned falafel into cupcakes.  Rich in plant ingredients (they’re vegan), fibre and protein, plus we’ve topped it with hummus ‘icing’ for even more fibre and plant protein, plus some healthy...
Sweet Potato Circles

Sweet Potato Circles

This recipe is so simple, it’s ridiculous.  And on top of that, it can be used in lots of different ways… As a dipper. As a replacement for the corn chips in your nachos. As a whole food swap for a chip addiction. As a base for whatever topping your...