It’s not easy being green

It’s not easy being green

What is it about ‘greens’ that is so hard to get some kids to love them? Some greens can be bitter or pungent, they can be squishy or slimy… Maybe their friends don’t like their greens either, or something they saw on a movie or ad.  Maybe their older siblings screw...
Sensational Sandwiches: Part 3

Sensational Sandwiches: Part 3

Now for the fun bit.  What to put on your sandwich (using ‘sandwich’ as a loose term for whichever vessel you’re running with). To create the ideal sandwich, try to include a protein, a healthy source of fat and some colour.   Your options are only limited by the...
Sweet Potato Toasts

Sweet Potato Toasts

We’re always on the look out for new and fun ways to make healthy food swaps.  Sometimes when you find your favourite or go-to foods are the ones that are contributing to your feeling less than your best, it can feel like you’re missing out.  It can be challenging to...
Super Snacks

Super Snacks

Below is a list of great options for lunchbox (or after school) snacks.  This list includes various elements of the simple lunchbox checklist, and sometimes all of the above. The snack ideas are generally quick and easy to prepare, or may involve some organisation to...
Super Green Salad

Super Green Salad

Greens are quite possibly the most important colour of the food rainbow.  Dark leafy greens are rich in essential nutrients such as folate, magnesium, fibre, vitamins A, C, B’s, and K, and a multitude of amazing phytonutrients.  We’ve written about the importance of...